The life and times of the Posey family: John, Tracy, Austin, Tracker, Lucy, Cheyenne and Napolean.
Pocket Full of Poseys

Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Baby Showers
Ok, so I'm playing catch up. These are a bit out of order, but I've got bigger priorities now.
Have I mentioned what wonderful family and friends I have? I was lucky enough to have 2 baby showers!! The first was hosted by my mom and sisters in Colorado. I was heading back home to attend my 10 year high school reunion, and while I was in town, they threw a shower. Unfortunately I didn't really have much of a belly to show off at that point, but there was a small hint of a bump. The party was small, and my sister Shannon couldn't make the trip out, but we had a lovely time. Janel drove out from Kearney, NE, and brought my wonderful niece and nephew with her. The decorations were so cute and creative (I've come to expect nothing less from my super-mom sister Janel!) We had a great time enjoying the unusually warm October weather, and of course the fabulous company!
Here are some pictures Janel took throughout the day:
Baby shower #2 was in February in St. Louis, and hosted by my wonderful friends.
The girls I went to OT school with are an amazing bunch. I love that we have all kept in touch, with great credit to the wonders of technology that allows us so many forms of communication. Anyway... with Austin's impending arrival, the girls wanted to throw me (us) a shower. So, my best friend Emily (Austin will know her as Aunt Emily), and my good friends Katie and Marie collaborated to create a wonderful baby shower. There were fun baby-themed decorations, delicious food, fantastic company, and most importantly: no crazy baby games! Emily hosted the shower at her house and made delicious foods, and Marie and Katie were in charge of decorations and desserts. I couldn't have asked for more!! It's always fun to see friends from the different parts of your life all together in one room. It was humbling to know all these people cared so much about me to gather together and spend a night celebrating me and the life John and I had created.
I was preoccupied with eating, chatting and opening gifts, so all the photos are courtesy of Marie.
Have I mentioned what wonderful family and friends I have? I was lucky enough to have 2 baby showers!! The first was hosted by my mom and sisters in Colorado. I was heading back home to attend my 10 year high school reunion, and while I was in town, they threw a shower. Unfortunately I didn't really have much of a belly to show off at that point, but there was a small hint of a bump. The party was small, and my sister Shannon couldn't make the trip out, but we had a lovely time. Janel drove out from Kearney, NE, and brought my wonderful niece and nephew with her. The decorations were so cute and creative (I've come to expect nothing less from my super-mom sister Janel!) We had a great time enjoying the unusually warm October weather, and of course the fabulous company!
Here are some pictures Janel took throughout the day:
The spread
The baby tree, colored photos of me, black and whites of John
Titus guarding the treats in style
Such good company
Colby representing the older boys crowd
Holding Titus
Just before Titus nearly fell out of his arms
Grandma got Brinley a sleeping bag
Getting some practice in before my little one arrives
And we couldn't come to Colorado without stopping for donuts before church!!
Baby shower #2 was in February in St. Louis, and hosted by my wonderful friends.
The girls I went to OT school with are an amazing bunch. I love that we have all kept in touch, with great credit to the wonders of technology that allows us so many forms of communication. Anyway... with Austin's impending arrival, the girls wanted to throw me (us) a shower. So, my best friend Emily (Austin will know her as Aunt Emily), and my good friends Katie and Marie collaborated to create a wonderful baby shower. There were fun baby-themed decorations, delicious food, fantastic company, and most importantly: no crazy baby games! Emily hosted the shower at her house and made delicious foods, and Marie and Katie were in charge of decorations and desserts. I couldn't have asked for more!! It's always fun to see friends from the different parts of your life all together in one room. It was humbling to know all these people cared so much about me to gather together and spend a night celebrating me and the life John and I had created.
I was preoccupied with eating, chatting and opening gifts, so all the photos are courtesy of Marie.
Katie modeling with her cupcakes
Katie the baker with her DELICIOUS oreo cake pops
Ducky punch
Ellie loving on Sadie
Diaper decorating
3 pregnant girls
Marie: 6 months, Me: 8 months, Andrea: 4 months
Ellie needed in the picture
Thank you everyone for the showering of gifts and love. John, Austin, and I are all overwhelmed by your graciousness and love!!
He's Here!!
I know you all were waiting for nursery pictures, but those will have to wait. We are awaiting the arrival of our glider rocker and then it will be complete.
BUT... that will have to wait a bit, because our beautiful son has made his arrival!!
Austin Michael Posey was born April 1, 2012 at 5:56 am. He weighed in at 6 lbs 12 oz, and 21 inches long. A quick picture to satiate your curiosity before delving into the birth story:
BUT... that will have to wait a bit, because our beautiful son has made his arrival!!
Austin Michael Posey was born April 1, 2012 at 5:56 am. He weighed in at 6 lbs 12 oz, and 21 inches long. A quick picture to satiate your curiosity before delving into the birth story:
Looks just like his daddy doesn't he?
So here's the story:
Grandma Cindy arrived on March 22nd, and spent the week in St. Louis with me and John. She was hoping and praying Austin would make his arrival before she had to return home on the 2nd of April. While she waited (I had to finish my last week of work before going on maternity leave), Grandma was INCREDIBLY helpful around the house, painting the living room, making freezer meals, helping me finish buying the last minute baby items, and battling with shelving that just didn't want to hang on the wall. She also had me bouncing on an exercise ball, walking all over the neighborhood (the dogs thoroughly enjoyed all the walks--especially the one to Ted Drewes, where they got to eat our melted, left over custard), jumping off steps, and even had me have 2 small glasses of wine. Well, while the first glass didn't work, the second glass of wine must have. Grandma, Aunt Emily and I walked to the local wine bar with the dogs, and enjoyed a lovely evening of wine and an utterly delicious baked brie. After returning home, grandma and I went to bed, while John went to have drinks with Uncle Jeff.
While he was gone, I started feeling strong and regular contractions beginning at midnight. By the time John got home at 1:45 am, I was sure this was it. I waited to wake grandma, who woke on her own around 2 am. I sent my doula (Hollie) a text I was in labor at 2:30 am. My water broke at 3:10 am. By 4 am we were on our way to the hospital, where Hollie met us. We were in the labor and delivery room by 4:30. Hollie was fantastic. She coached John to help me breath, kept me centered and focused on my breathing, and suggested various positions to make me more comfortable.
My doctor wasn't on call, and there was no time to call her. Everyone was nervous about having the on call doctor, but he was AMAZING. He let me labor on my own, literally sitting back in his chair repeating "You're doing great mom. Nurse, just let me know when you need me." After a short bit of actual pushing, the doctor told me "grab your baby, grab your baby and pull him onto your chest!" So I reached and pulled little Austin out and up onto my chest. He stayed on my chest for a whole hour, and even crawled his way over to nurse for a short bit!! John got to cut the cord too! John called his parents, and Grandma Cindy called Grandpa Eric to tell them the good news.
After getting weighed, measured, washed and foot printed, Austin was wrapped up and handed over to John. It was pretty neat to see the look of amazement on John's face as he gazed at his son.
Austin didn't have a name for the first 12ish hours of his life. By the time we got up to the recovery room, John, and I were so tired, we took a nap before deciding on a name. Grandma gave us some time to rest, despite the fact she needed to rest herself. (I think she wandered around the hospital calling everyone to tell them the baby came while she was here!) When we both woke from our naps, we went through our list of names, and narrowed it down to 2 names. We picked middle names for each first name, and were then at an impasse. John's 1st choice was my 2nd, and my 1st was his 2nd. So... we did the only fair thing: we drew a name at random. We put both names in, and picked one: Austin Michael it was! We were both satisfied with the outcome.
Grandma Cindy wanted to extend her stay a few extra days, since Austin decided to come on the last full day she was in town. Unfortunately, changing her ticket was too much of a hassle. So, with a heavy heart, she left the day after he was born (but not without making 1 last stop at the hospital to hold Austin a bit longer). Aunt Emily was gracious enough to pick up and drop off grandma, as well as check on our dogs and cats while we were away.
John and I were both ready to head home the next day, but Austin had to have various testing, his circumcision and photos taken, so we had to stay 2 more nights. By the second evening, I was going stir crazy. As John and Austin slept in the room, I wandered the halls. John went home to sleep the second night. He didn't sleep much at all the first night, and we knew we needed at least 1 of us who was well rested.
We (FINALLY) left the hospital on the 3d day. We were welcomed eagerly by the dogs and cats. Everyone was gentle with Austin, sniffing gingerly. (Lucy tried to get in a few licks, but was diverted). Austin (THANKFULLY) sleeps well with noise, even when Tracker barks at visitors at the door. John and I are adjusting to getting only short bits of sleep (me more so than him, as I am breastfeeding).
Overall, it's been a big adjustment, but a really good one.
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