Last night, Austin discovered he can splash in the tub. He spent the first 10 minutes vigorously kicking his legs and waving his arms to splash everything. The floor, walls, and Mommy were thoughroughly soaked, and Austin was completely happy. I didn't have my camera or phone nearby, so here is a video from tonight's bath.
The life and times of the Posey family: John, Tracy, Austin, Tracker, Lucy, Cheyenne and Napolean.
Pocket Full of Poseys

Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Friday, July 27, 2012
Just Hanging Around
Yup, multiple posts in one day. That's what happens when the house is clean, laundry is done, mommy has showered, and baby is sleeping!
Just a short one to show off what we do when we hang around the house. Enjoy!
Just a short one to show off what we do when we hang around the house. Enjoy!
So close to rolling over!
Loving on Napolean
I like this kitty!
All smiles after bath time
Cheyenne is a great snuggler!
WOW! That toy is REALLY cool!
I love this face! He makes it any time he's REALLY excited
Another shot of the excited face
Playing dress up
Smiling at his friend in the mirror
Sleeping on Mommy
Smiling at the baby in the camera phone
So cute
Yeah, I've got my shirt off... like my rolls?
Playing with my monster ball
So cute
Facetime with Aunt Shannon
(Sorry Shan, nice rack though!) ;-)
He really likes bath time!
Good morning!
Chillin' on the new deck
Playing with toys
Helping Mommy and Daddy cook
More dress up
Cute hat from cousin Evan, but it's too small already!
Future Pianist
Daddy didn't like this hat, but Mommy did!
He loves to look at himself in the camera phone
Well, this summer has been HOT! Seems like all around the country the temperatures are breaking records. So... we decided to beat the heat and swim! I found a baby pool at Target, hoping Austin would like it. Daddy was at work the day we went swimming, but Em came over to take pictures. Austin wasn't too keen on the swimming, I think because the water was too cold. He stood in the water, and stared at it intently, but did not want to sit down, or stand in it longer than 2 minutes. Oh well.
The very first swim (couldn't rotate it, sorry!)
Enthralled by the water, but not too sure yet
Yea, I don't think I like this mom...
Oh wait, I DO like it!!
Cuddling with Mommy after swimming
Happy boy!
That was on the 9th of July, but, on the 14th of July, Ryan's brother (Em's brother-in-law) hosted a pool party. We're talking an in-ground BIG pool! So, to prep for Austin's first BIG swim, I found a baby floater and we were set! The water was a bit cool, so I wasn't sure Austin would like it. But, he LOVED it!! We didn't get any pictures of him in the floater, but here are some of the highlights.
Started with dangling the feet
Then we sat in the water
Then we laid in it
Smiling at Aunt Emily
Family picture!
A little blurry, but playing motor boat with Daddy
Overall successful swimming experiences. We plan on many more this summer!
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Savannah, GA
While in South Carolina, we decided to take a trip to Savannah, GA. It was a 2 1/2 hour drive (or 3 1/2 hours when driving with Austin). We had to take 3 cars, due to the car seats and number of people going. It worked out well, as Gram and Gramps continued driving home from Savannah. We spent the first day touring the historic district, wandering through the history museum, riding an open air trolley around town, and getting off at various stops to wander through parks and buildings. Austin was great, sleeping in the carrier, and being a talkative, happy baby when awake. It was definitely warm, but the shade wasn't too bad. We had an early dinner at The Lady and Son's restaurant. The food was good, not fantastic, and the atmosphere was NOISY! Austin couldn't handle the noise, so we took turns taking him outside.
The evening was spent wandering the river walk, checking out various shops and enjoying treats from the candy/ice cream shop. Grandpa got his coveted flavored Tootsie Rolls, and the rest of us enjoyed some gelato. We watched some GIGANTIC ships go through the river and under the bridge.
The last day was spent wandering by the river again, riding the free ferry across the river and back (Austin's first boat ride), enjoying a fantastic meal at a local restaurant, and taking 4 generation pictures with Gram. We then, reluctantly, said goodbye to Gram and Gramps, and headed back to Shannon and Ryan's. The 2 1/2 hour drive, again, took 3 1/2 hours with Mr. I-Hate-My-Car-Seat.
Sitting outside the museum, waiting to get on the trolley!
Evan liked the trolley
Cathedral (almost as pretty as those we saw in Europe)
Pretty stained glass
Awesome pipe organ
Oldest police station in the country.
We took this one for Daddy!
Which ride would you prefer after a night out on the town?
So tired!
Sleepy baby. Definitely a thumb sucker!
Group shot!
Sleepy baby. Grandpa gave Mommy a break
Evan checking out the horses
Painting Shannon wanted
Awesome pic Shannon took of Grandma and Grandpa!
The evening was spent wandering the river walk, checking out various shops and enjoying treats from the candy/ice cream shop. Grandpa got his coveted flavored Tootsie Rolls, and the rest of us enjoyed some gelato. We watched some GIGANTIC ships go through the river and under the bridge.
See the people standing near the stairs on the white part of the ship?
Better shot of people on the ship. That's one big ship!!!
Nice shot Shannon took.
Pretty sunset with giant ships.
The best one of all three of them.
Evan couldn't sit still
Flying baby!!
Fun with Daddy!
Walking with Daddy.
So adorable
The last day was spent wandering by the river again, riding the free ferry across the river and back (Austin's first boat ride), enjoying a fantastic meal at a local restaurant, and taking 4 generation pictures with Gram. We then, reluctantly, said goodbye to Gram and Gramps, and headed back to Shannon and Ryan's. The 2 1/2 hour drive, again, took 3 1/2 hours with Mr. I-Hate-My-Car-Seat.
Sleeping through his first boat ride. We had to go outside because the
noise from the motor was REALLY loud inside.
Evan playing on the boat
Great shot of Grandpa, Evan and Shannon
Walking with Grandma and Grandpa
So cute!
4 Generations
4 Generations
And this is what Evan looks like after 2 weeks of visitors at his house.
So tired!
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