Pocket Full of Poseys

Pocket Full of Poseys

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Patience is a virtue

So you're probably wondering why I haven't posted anything for a while.  For the record, I have 7 posts written up, and awaiting pictures.  The reason for the delay is memory space.  We have finally filled the memory of our wonderful MacBook Pro.  I have taken so many pictures since Austin was 6 months old, but I can't load them onto the computer for lack of memory space.

But not to worry!  Our taxes are currently being worked on, and we (along with a gracious Christmas gift) will be purchasing a NEW computer...with 3 TERABYTES of memory.  I'm hoping that will last us until Austin is 5 or 6 (I'm learning how to delete non-essential photos, keeping only the really good ones).

So, please stay tuned.  We should have our new computer within the next month, but you may have to wait until June (SUMMER BREAK!!!) to really see an explosion of photos (I do work full time ya know!).

Thanks for your patience!!

1 comment:

  1. WOW! I feel like you are pushing "patience" right now. It's now December 17th. DECEMBER SEVENTEENTH. I've had enough waiting!
